Category Archives: vision

Intuitive Vistas


What is intuition? It may be thought of as a world or a universe of meanings. Colors, notes, and lights are the best physical analogy. Intuition sparkles in the mind and feelings with a beauty so intense as to be sharp, even painful.

Intuition has relatives. The meaning of love and unity overlap with that of intuition. The meaning of “illuminated mind” overlaps with intuition, but the usual meaning of “rational truth” and “love” are far from intuition. Probably, we must be able to really think before we can expect intuitive light. In the silence following thought, we can often see the most clearly.

Sometimes we may see in the silence following simple observation. Some intuitive fire can emerge spontaneously as the accompaniment of sight. But it is hard to say what hidden preparations lead to the moment of revelation.

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

The Little Prince

Through Eyes of Light


What does an illuminated sage see through physical eyes? I imagine that such eyes do not see the world as “matter ” at all, but as “spirit-matter,” that is, all is seen through to its luminous depth and height. All such looking is, or may by choice be, spiritual seeing. The eye never stops upon the surface of anything—it probes the depths of all things instantly divining their innermost meaning.