Category Archives: fanaticism

Thoughts on Relativity and Paradox


Relativity is key to right understanding. Things are not true and false: things are–to some degree–true and false.

Every verbal formula is limited, being some distance from the light.

Recognition of paradox is key to right understanding. Everything expressed in words challenges the mind to understand a paradox.

Understanding does not make its home on the astral plane where relativity and paradox are virtually unknown.

We could say that people who do not comprehend relativity and paradox are fanatics. But that formula does not correspond well with the above affirmations.

Therefore, it is better to say that, to the degree that people do not understand relativity and paradox–to that degree–they tend to be fanatics, or at least relatively mistaken.



“Each set of religious abstractions is related, somehow, characterologically, to the person who made them; or: tell me your religion and you tell me what you are.”

Insights for the Age of Aquarius, Gina Cerminara

The fundamentalist wants “one world religion,” but it is not a dream of spiritual unity, tolerance, diversity of forms, and wide-minded inclusiveness. Rather, the fundamentalists would impose a standardized form, formula, and orthodoxy upon all. They would shape human ideas and emotions like statues from one mold. This is materialism masquerading as religion.

Reverence for the indefinable reality, for the transcendent will demonstrate freedom from idolatry. Intelligent faith in the higher life, apart from all orthodox constructions, will be the sign of redemption. Achievement will be active, strong, and without reliance on human creations. Not bibles, nor preachers, nor any outward thing is required. The crutches of yesterday are not needed. External supports will fall away, leaving the spirit free.

Take no refuge in religious facsimiles. Crowds invariably distort the truth, and there are more lesser gods than we can count. Singing of psalms is commonly prescribed for lesser gods—a path of minimum virtue. Better simply to think more and love more.

“Our blight is ideologies, they are the long-expected Antichrist!”

— Carl Jung, Columbia Dictionary of Quotations