Category Archives: the future

The Turn from Night to Day


Inevitably, things become better. The beginning and ending of karmic cycles and the weaving and blending of waves is exceedingly complex. It is difficult to say what is ending and what is beginning, or even sometimes what is for the best and what is not. But our spirit perceives the beginning and the conclusion and is secure in the knowledge of the inevitable triumph of Good. This knowledge is at the heart of that perennial optimism that sees the light of tomorrow. We know how thought shapes the future and how our attitude and orientation contributes to the stream of events. We are alert to the worst possibilities as temporary delays in the cosmic scheme, yet we remain alight with the vision of the best and with our hands and feet well employed.

The future of mankind exists as an archetypal reality. Each one who sees this helps manifest the inevitable, forges a link with brotherhood, and lightens the burden of humanity. One can directly experience the coming renovation in human consciousness because the focus of true individuality is in continuity with a greater life or being that is the foundation and root of unity.

Magic Resonance


“Never did eye see the sun unless it had first become sun-like, and never can the soul have vision of the First Beauty unless itself be beautiful”

— Plotinus

How to make our minds as sane and clear as the Sun? We can choose to focus mainly on what is beautiful, good, creative, uplifting; at the same time, to clearly know the obstacles but without making these our main focus.

Otherwise put, the key is resonance. If consciousness is occupied with the innermost beauty of things, a magical resonance is created that floods the space of the mind and surrounding space. Then the mind becomes a door into light. Right resonance in the mind and heart leads toward transcendence of the limited. We ponder the beauty of the candle and the star, and find they are not simply hot spots or opposites of ice. Rather, a door swings open, a door into fire, of which these luminous points are the messengers. The grandeur of this beautiful fire is enunciated by the morning light at the dawn of each new day.

Synchronization or resonance is a way of talking about vibration or frequency. We resonate with that which relates to our own nature. The phrase “sympathetic vibration” also expresses this. Emerson wisely said, “The secrets of life are not shown except to sympathy and likeness.”

Strings of a musical instrument vibrate together, even though they are not entirely alike, yet the similarity of their nature makes the resonance possible. So, to know the higher, we must become like it. We must sound the notes in our mind, body, and emotion that are resonant with their correspondences on transcendent levels. Each thought, emotion, or action that resonates with the higher is magical. Magic is the applied truth of the heart, the power to manifest and uplift.

Like the Best Morning of Life


We would like perpetual renewal of life and vitality. We would like to feel that dawn is coming with a rush of new benevolent energy. We would like to be in spirit like the best morning of our life, to find in the light of new day the best actions and words.

About words, today, I reiterate a bit of transpersonal semantics conducive to renewal: a word is, or might be, sacred. I do not fancy myself religious in any conventional sense, but there is a good idea in the religious of the world, that of “sacred word.” I do not say it is in bibles or churches. But it might be in you. And if we were to meet, I would listen for it. You might not even know you spoke it, but I fancy that I would hear and know.


Secret Sunlight in Troubled Times


Joy of my life is intense. Some days the benediction of it embarrasses me. Joy is filled with solutions, with resolutions, with community, with a curative atmosphere of secret sunlight cast wide over the Earth. The reason of my unrest is also spread wide–so much of crazy pained humanity is without happiness; so many dark and convoluted paths, so many cuts and bleedings, so many betrayals of sunlight. I sleep restlessly and a sense of urgency troubles me, a vast world of needs press on my mind, empty cups I am ill equipped to fill.

And yet there is community, quieter and more powerful than these troubled times. A time and place is allotted each of us, if only we might reach out more skillfully and fearlessly, yielding the best of our life in support of real community. Indeed we must do so, and our lot may not be the task of some grand and far reaching dream, yet it is always there, this threshold where our thoughts begin to weave in communion with all our friends known and unknown, with all those who sense the stark contrast between the world of what is and what must be.


Past and Future



The past is finite but the future is infinite.  The past is useful up to a point.  Yet seeking our identity in the past, the past becomes a heavy drag upon consciousness and killer of freedom.   The past corresponds to a limitation, to set forms that have come and gone. Yet people define themselves mainly by the past, so binding themselves to the fixed boundaries and the circumscribed habits of personality and group. 

The inner self is prophetic, so it is possible to find identity in the light of the future.  There is nothing of value in the past that will not be better-born in the future.  The value of what was, the soul of it, is always in motion and not long tethered to any time and form.  So, when the time is right, let the flowers and melodies of yesterday fade, all their beauty was borrowed from the timeless–the source of their wonder is now and ahead upon the path of ascent.


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