Category Archives: lifeless

Sphere of Life


Science divides the world into organic and inorganic, the living and nonliving.  And we read of a time before there was life on Earth, and then a proliferation of theories to explain how life evolved from a material matrix defined as lifeless.  In this conception, our mind stages a curious scenario where Mother Earth is a lifeless form, yet gives birth to life.  In this dualistic picture, life somewhat mysteriously arose from lifelessness.

Metaphysical thinkers often affirm, in various ways, “Life is one, ” or “All things are one,” or simply “All is one.”   Do they mean that organic things are one but that the material matrix that gave them birth is something other than and apart from the one?  Or do they mean that organic life and nonliving matter are something other than “life” and that the spirit or soul, sanding apart from these, is life?   If we take them at their word, all is one life, however well disguised in forms organic and inorganic.

The curious “life from lifelessness” concept is less mysterious if we supplement the narrower biological definitions of life with a more comprehensive and unitary definition.  Namely, that all is life—an atom is alive, a human is alive, and a star is alive, and the “big bang” or the “big bloom” is a living action.  Life is motion, and in evolution, motion becomes less unconscious and more conscious. Apparent “lifelessness” is not “dead matter” but just latent life.   Is there then life elsewhere in the universe?  It follows that there is nothing but life in the universe.  Moreover, it would appear stingy, if not wasteful of space, that divinity would evoke a little bubble of organic life around planet Earth and leave the rest of the universe in a dead state.  Probably, divinity is much more lavish.

Lifeless Gray Worlds


Without energy and realization all the play with words and concepts is gray and colorless. Gray people can also talk of light and dark, of dualism and non-dualism, of Christ or Buddha, or cosmic consciousness. But in the gray world, it’s all the same, all illusions dressed in fancy words, no light, no life, no color, no realization.