The Gift without Name


They come to you, unifying, communicating, manifesting in sound. We might say they use “music” or “notes,” as that is an analog the brain understands. They play the power through each center, ringing changes through the ascending body-of-light-sound that seems “I.”

They show something of what and why you are in the deep infinite of life, and something of what they are, and something of what all life is. They radiate pure meaning that comes as chords of music.

The waves are infinite in variety and beauty; each strand of musical-meaning sparkles with countless seeds of future life, your life and all life. The essence of the future is there, and worlds of instruction live in each chord. With all perceptions altered, brightened immeasurably, you are grounded at last in reality. Your subsequent life, in so far as it is meaningful, shall be nothing but the translation into action of this music.

The sounds continue in the background of your best thoughts. In greatly muted from they weave their magic through all the days of your life—thank heavens for the muted notes, for fully sustained they would burn your body to ashes. You see now where the obscurations are, where the notes failed to penetrate. But it is only a matter of time before the gift without name redeems everything.

10 thoughts on “The Gift without Name”

  1. I like these wordings very much. I don’t understand. I don’t understand meaning in any other way than the poetic pointers that is all we can ever communicate quite accurately and probably in some sort of consencus…
    I once saw the unseable “light” and heared the soundless sound, continuously for on week in a lucid sleep accompagnied by the “pure” realization of “I AM”.
    Would you care to tell me more about this.
    What do you referre to with the word “they”?

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for you thoughts.

      I’m thinking that communication embraces far more than poetic pointers, though these can be good and of value in themselves. But really, I think communication is only as limited or as unlimited as the individuals engaged in it. Consensus is also a function of the consciousness of the groups concerned and there are many strata of it.

      The type of communication I reference in the above post is characterized by the direct transmission of meaning. It happens without symbols or conventional language and without the need for any interpretation. The communication has the meaning embedded in it.

      About your own experiences of light and sound, I’m not sure if, or to what extent, they overlap with my own. Perhaps you could tell me more; what was its quality, what was its meaning for you, and how it affected you? Perhaps then I could gain an impression and understand a little more.

      “They” refers to my experience of multiple entities and to the unified collective matrix that is their life, and really, my life.

      1. Aha, I would say it becomes obvious here, at least for me, that language never can be used for communication other than poetic such.
        With consensus I meant: about the meaning of words. Of course there can’ any concensus apart from two who have seen they are the absolute. Then there is no me. Except relatively.
        Poetry is what people in Maya call expressions of the absolute.
        My experience was the pure experience of the absolute. It involves no sound or images, but onsly the lack of such. Since yo wrote about sound I mentioned it.
        I think your post was beautiful . What you call meaning I call poetry. I uldnt say there is any meaning. Nor hope. I don’t use those words. Those are relatively true and relatively useful.
        Tell me: are these enteties multiple parts of self or something else, and why are they important?
        I think, in some way I have known you before. You seem so familiar,.and I like you a lot, for no apparent reason.
        Good to see that you are well.
        Long time. You are doing great.
        You are perfect, and always have been.

  2. Good morning,

    “Aha, I would say it becomes obvious here, at least for me, that language never can be used for communication other than poetic such.”

    “Poetry is what people in Maya call expressions of the absolute.”

    I’m thinking that poetry, or rather good poetry, has a resonance with the strata beyond the mind. I’ve never thought of poetry as an expression of the absolute, but it is often closer than other more formal means of communication. I think art, music, color, motion, nature, and the phenomenal world in general can act as hyperspace doors into the spiritual.

    “With consensus I meant: about the meaning of words. Of course there can’ any concensus apart from two who have seen they are the absolute. Then there is no me. Except relatively.”

    I think it’s experience in common that makes communication possible and that’s true of both phenomenal and spiritual things.

    “My experience was the pure experience of the absolute. It involves no sound or images, but onsly the lack of such. Since yo wrote about sound I mentioned it…”

    Did your experience affect your thought, emotions, philosophy, or path of action in the world?

    “Tell me: are these enteties multiple parts of self or something else, and why are they important?”

    In the mystical or metaphysical sense, I think you and I and “They” are parts of Self, i.e. parts of a unity. But they are not extensions of me in any external or personal psychological sense, which is to say they are not part of “self” in the “little ‘s’ sense” any more than you or my wife or the cat next door is. I experience them as independent beings. They are certainly spiritual and transcendent to me. I do not know if they have a body, as you and I have them. They may or may not; I can not tell. I say I experience them as independent, but that is not entirely true, because the communication I have with them is a blending or unification of consciousness, a shared consciousness. Yet I know I only share in a small part of what they are, which I think is all I can take at a given time. I do not encompass them, but they encompass me. Their energy passes through me and, for a time, I become that, and afterwards, I am still “that” but to a much lesser degree.

    About importance, well, they are the essence of importance. They are the most important thing that is, as far as I can perceive it. They are powerful and transformative in nature. As I expressed it above, “They show something of what and why you are in the deep infinite of life, and something of what they are, and something of what all life is. They radiate pure meaning that comes as chords of music.” And, “Your subsequent life, in so far as it is meaningful, shall be nothing but the translation into action of this music.”

    There is a phrase in some metaphysical writings that relates, it is “the world of pure meaning.” “They” live in a world where the meaning of life lives as an obvious fact. This world gives answer to the perennial question “What is life all about?” The answer is not formal or verbal, but it is absolute and so totally convincing.

    I would add that the energy I’m trying to speak of here will transform the world.

    Best Thoughts,


  3. Why do they contact you? Is it important that you in particular get this message? Do you listen? The message may be important, the enteties in them self are not important. Have anyone else met these entities?

    1. It’s not just me; I’m one of many. I’m not particularly important. The rest should be clear from my posts and exchanges with you.

      Kind Regards,


      1. You asked about my transformation. The unhearable sound and unseeable image was the end of the process that is called enlightenment. The transformation was total
        I became one with everything. I became noone. I ended beeing. Now I am all there is. I think the enteties are showing you the absolute.
        I know all there is to know about that. Nothing is a coincidence you know. We talking now. There are no coincients..
        I also heard music in the beginning of that process. And I saw shadow images. And auras. And lots of other stuff.
        But there is only one important task in life, and that is to see that we are not.
        The rest will not be made by anyone, but by noone and all there is.
        There are only this. This Eternity of eternities.

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